Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Remedies for Canker Sores

Learn More About Cold Sores Here

How to Heal a Cold Sore

One of the hardest parts in dealing with a cold sore, is that it is visible to the world. It takes a total of nine to twelve days for the cold sore to complete its process. Pain and swelling is a common symptom. They will grow and then when they are done with the stages of development they will become dry. Be careful when your cold sore starts to dry though, because it may leave a scar.

However, there are a few things you can do to help you win the fight against a cold sore.

The area that is affected should be cleaned regularly with anti-bacterial swabs, and later cleaned well with a cotton ball. You will need to be cautious, and not have any contact with the area, when you experience any itching, swelling, or pain. This is another one of the three stages of a cold sore. You can spread the virus to others, and even on yourself, if you touch the cold sore. If this does occur, make sure to was your hands, to stop any more contamination.

After you have cleaned your cold sore with the anti-bacterial agent and patted it dry with cotton, you will then want to put some DMSO or Zinc on your cold sore. Using the zinc on your cold sore, will help to speed up the healing process. Zinc will speed the healing process up by at least thirty percent, which is very a helpful recommendation.

DMSO is also very effective because it penetrates exposed skin cells and kills bacteria within the blister. Since herpes simplex cannot live in an environment that contains oxygen, it is referred to as anaerobic. Using the DMSO medication every other day, will stop the fever blister from coming back.

Applying toothpaste on the cold sore can soothe the pain associated with the growth. When applying the toothpaste, you need cover the full cold sore formation. The reason this is a very popular treatment is that it can help dry out the area of your sores and it also contains many ingredients that can sooth the itching and pain.

Exercise outside can help you take in more oxygen which helps kill the unwanted anaerobic bacteria inside your body. If you don't already have healthy habits, you are working against any medicine you can take. Once you get rid of your cold sore, you should continue using good health practices, or it may return.

Buy Cold Sore Freedom - Testimonials

"I Can't Believe It! I must say I was very skeptical this could work as you said, but I was wrong! I tried what you said and my cold sore was gone in just two days - not even the red spot that usually lasts at least a month was there anymore! All I can say is WOW! Thank you so much for this!"

Beth Colter, 28
Toronto, Canada

"First off I want to thank you for answering all of my questions last Tuesday. However, I have to say that when you mentioned what your natural program was in your ebook, my first thought was, "There is no way this can work. It is just too simple for it to work." I am sure glad I was wrong about you! You were 100% right! The cold sore I had right below my lip completely disappeared in less than three days! I would not have believed it but there it was! Why do not more people know about this? It's nuts that we are paying for prescriptions when this is all you need! Thanks again for all of your help."

Craig Zaragosa, 34
Dayton, Ohio

"I have been trying forever it seems to get rid of the cold sores that pop out of nowhere around my lips. I get the very big, ugly kind and they always last for what seems to be several weeks. Surprisingly, I am still having trouble believing how fast your all-natural program worked. After only a couple of days, my face was all cleared up! I am telling you, I am going to give my doctor a hard time about this! :-) He was not able to find anything that worked for me, but you sure did! Thank you so much!"

Carol Richards, 47
Glendale, California

"I can't thank you enough for convincing me to at least give this a try. You must have lots of happy customers who thank you! Seriously though, I have dealt with cold sores my whole life and of course, anytime I get stressed out I can count on one showing up. I usually get them around my upper lip and it makes my lip look swollen and ugly. But thanks to your wonderful program, I don't have to worry about them anymore! Thank you for ending the cycle!"

Ralph Wiesineski, 21
Detroit, Michigan

Get Cold Sore Freedom Here